Lagerstroemia fairy tale
korean fairytale

Story of 100 days of red tree “Baegilhong”

Story of 100 days of red tree Baegilhong

Once upon a time there was a scary monster python Imugi on a beach.

Anyone who saw the monster Imugi with red scales all over his body and feet that clawed like a serrated fork was terrified and shivered.

“Sacrifice me. Otherwise I will stir up a storm that will keep you from catching fish.”

Therefore, the people of the village could not help but offer a young girl to the monster Imugi every year to calm his anger.

One day a young man appeared in the village. The young man thought the atmosphere in the village was a bit strange and asked the village chief.

“Excuse me, sir, why is everyone sighing and looking sad in this village”

The village chief sighed and told him a story about the monster Imugi.

“Every year we have to sacrifice a girl to a monster python Imugi. This year my daughter has to be sacrificed. What am I to do with that poor girl?”

'Nonsense! How can you give a precious human life as a sacrifice to such an evil monster? I'll get rid of the monster.'

“How could I let this terrible affair happen, as a man who has learned military arts for the sake of the nation and the people?”

Because of his justified anger, the young man dove into the water where the monster Imugi lived, although the villagers prevented him from fighting the monster. In this coastal town, they heard the sound of the young man fighting the monster python all night long. Finally, they could hear the death cries of the monster spreading far from the sea and the roar of a young man as if a mountain were collapsing. The sound of the fighting gradually diminished and the east dawned brightly.

On the beach the young man was covered in blood, and in the bloodstained sea the dead body of the monster python Imugi floated up and down the shore. The villagers brought the young man back to the village and did much for him. After sleeping for a long time, the young man awoke.

“Thanks to your prayers I was able to defeat the monster. Thank you!"

“No, not you, but I should express gratitude. Thanks to you, our daughter has saved her life and your village has regained its peace. I don't know how to express my gratitude for this.”

"I'd like to throw you a village feast with delicious food."

All the villagers clapped their hands after the chief's speech.

"No thank you. I have to go now. I have a mission to do. When I've done that, I'll be back in a hundred days. Then we can have a village party.”

After saying that, he shyly told the chief.

“I hope it can be a wedding celebration for me and your daughter. Please allow me.”

The chief and the villagers were all happy and shouted Hooray. The chief's daughter was so happy that her cheeks blushed like peach blossoms.

Oh, alas!

How could this unfortunate happen?

After the young man left, the chief's daughter contracted an unknown illness. They called a famous doctor and prescribed all kinds of drugs, but it didn't work.

"Oh, I'd like to see him again..."

Ten days before the day the young man promised to return, the chief's daughter died. On the hundredth day of his appointment, the young man returned with the most beautiful floral palanquin in the world, decorated with colorful flowers. The young man was the prince of the land.

The great prince, known only by rumors to the villagers, returned to marry the chief's daughter, as he promised in 100 days after his departure. The prince heard the sad news from the chief and wept deeply. And went to the tomb where his betrothed slept. The young man was so heartbroken that he held the grave and wept sadly. Two trees grew next to the grave. The young man cherished the two trees and took them to the palace and planted them. Beautiful red flowers bloomed on the tree in early summer. The flower bloomed for a hundred days without withering.

"I understand now how eagerly you have been waiting for me for a hundred days."

“I call this tree Baegilhong '100 days red tree'. And I will regard this red flower as a sign of our love, our unchanging love.”

This flower tree that blooms red for 100 days in the hot summer means 'unchanging love'.